Subject Specialist Team
Our amazing team of Subject Specialists is recruited from our partnership of schools and works closely with the Central Team to ensure that each course has the ideal combination of elements to support your rapid development as a teacher. It is vital to us that all our Subject Specialists are highly successful school-based practitioners who draw together the most current research findings and best practice as well as their years of experience to deliver highly focused and relevant sessions.
The Subject Specialists prepare and deliver highly effective, bespoke ‘Subject Knowledge for Teaching’ sessions throughout the training year. These sessions are in addition to the general Central Training and so they are a great opportunity to look at different techniques in the context of your particular course, with a subject expert and the rest of your peer group.
‘Trainees in the primary phase are very well prepared to teach across the broader curriculum, including physical education. Both secondary and primary trainees benefit from excellent specialist training to develop their subject knowledge.’ Ofsted Inspection Report 2017
The integrated programme of training and placement has provided the best opportunity possible to apply theory in a meaningful way. The support from a variety of active professionals, who are not detached from the classroom environment, has been essential to a comprehensive and effective training programme which prepares you for the classroom.
‘The input in the training sessions from practising teachers and guest speakers is always relevant, interesting and valuable, and being in school means I have the opportunity to put my learning into practice right away.’