The Governing Body of the OTT SCITT is responsible to the Board of the River Learning Trust for the responsibilities involved in fulfilling the following duties:
The Governing Body has a minimum of six and a maximum of twelve members. These include a wide variety of members of the public as well as members of the central management team of the SCITT. The Governing Body meets six times a year and its members develop a sound knowledge of the SCITT’s operation and culture through attending Associate Teachers’ training sessions, promotional events and visiting schools in the SCITT’s partnership.
The Steering Group is an advisory, non-executive body comprising a wide range of individuals who are involved in the wider SCITT partnership including Associate (trainee) Teachers, Mentors, Senior Links, Headteachers, Subject Specialists and Visiting Tutors.
The Steering Group’s objectives are to consider the current effective and smooth workings of the SCITT and its future development through facilitating communication between its main constituent parts. The Steering Group meets twice a year, with its reports and recommendations being considered by the Governing Body.
Oxfordshire Teacher Training is part of The River Learning Trust. The River Learning Trust (RLT) is a Multi-Academy Trust responsible for a number of schools and a school centred initial teacher training provider (SCITT). We are united by our principles and our commitment to working together to achieve excellent in education. Please visit the RLT website to find out more:
Via this link you will be able to access statutory information that Academy Trusts must publish, such as the annual report, annual audited accounts, memorandum of association, articles of association, funding agreement. Information about the Board of Trustees can be found here. The River Learning Trust is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales with a registered company number 7966500.
Please see the links below for the relevant, publicly available policies: