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OTT SCITT love to hear from former Associate Teachers at the start of their Early Career.

One of the great joys of teaching is seeing the progress made by pupils over time. But as an Initial Teacher Training provider, OTT SCITT is equally excited to hear from former Associate Teachers during the first months of their Early Career, once they have gained their Qualified Teacher Status.

Marta trained on our Primary 5-11 part-time programme, completing her programme in December 2023. She gained her first teaching position at an Oxfordshire primary school, starting with her Year 1 class in January 2024.

Marta writes,

I am a teacher! I get a buzz when I think about it. It seems only yesterday when I started my training with OTT SCITT; it’s been a long and incredibly rewarding journey. With three young children of my own, finding a balance was vital and the part-time training route allowed me to have it. Being based in a classroom straight away has been invaluable to put into practice everything I learned in the sessions. I listened, I observed, I reflected, I discussed, I planned, I taught, I reflected, I taught. I was ready to take on the responsibility of my own class!

I have loved every minute of it since starting in January, all the highs and all the lows, all the successes and all the challenges. I am learning and will continue to learn from all my colleagues, from my mentor and from the children in my class. I love teaching, supporting all children in achieving and broadening their minds.

Lizzy was one of our secondary History Associate Teachers last year, gaining QTS last summer and starting her first job in September 2023 in a secondary school in Oxford. Here she writes,

I can’t believe that this time last year I was settling into my second placement school whilst training with OTT SCITT. My first few months of teaching have been a whirlwind! I have just taken on the role of Head of History in my school, and I love bringing my passion for history into the classroom every day. When a pupil grasps a difficult concept for the first time, or gains the confidence to voice their own judgement, it is the best feeling in the world. 

Working in a school, every day is different, and you are never quite sure what is awaiting you in the classroom, but OTT SCITT gave me the tools and confidence to adapt and trust myself as a professional. I don’t think I would have had the confidence and understanding to take on my new subject lead role without the support and training I received from OTT SCITT. 

If you are thinking about applying to train to teach, I really recommend going into a school to shadow a teacher for as long as you can. You really get a sense of the brilliance – and challenges – of the role. I also suggest you have a look at some resources for teaching your subject and the national curriculum. Thinking about what your subject looks like in the classroom will really help you prepare for the application process. Finally – go for it! Going into teaching was the best decision I have made. 


We wish Lizzy and Marta, and all of the 2022-2023 cohort of Associate Teachers, the very best during their Early Career and beyond.