Dance 11-16

Why become a teacher of dance?

Choosing to become a dance teacher is an inspiring career choice because it allows you to nurture creativity, self-expression, and confidence in others. In the world of movement, rhythm, and creativity, you guide students to explore and refine their skills, shaping them into confident performers and creators. With each lesson, you help dancers unlock their potential, building confidence, strength, and understanding of their body. The joy comes from seeing your students express themselves authentically through movement, finding their voice on stage. Choosing to become a dance teacher means stepping into a world where movement isn’t just a series of steps, but a form of communication, exploration and art.


Being a teacher of dance means you will support young people to: 

  • understand and explore the world around us today, historically and in the future;
  • develop the cultural education of those we work with;
  • develop and encourage understanding of our bodies;
  • develop self-esteem, confidence and self-expression;
  • understand fitness and health;
  • consider aesthetic practice and artistic practice;
  • develop creative practices including problem solving, initiative and independent learning through creativity;
  • developing and building on social skills and moral skills.


What are the key concepts that underpin our approach to the teaching of dance?

  • creating dance – choreographic approaches, use of stimulus for making dance, tools and devices for creating dance
  • performing dance – skills and attributes of a dancer, audience and performer relationships, developing and improving skills
  • critiquing dance – analysis of dance and features of performance including dance for camera and dance in the digital age
  • dance history and development
  • societal impacts on dance and its ability to educate and inspire
  • fitness and the body including nutrition and injury prevention
  • where is dance and how can we access it?
  • what are the misconceptions and preconceptions of dance in education of young people, parents and colleagues?

I really enjoyed the dance subject  training that I received through OTT SCITT. All the sessions were relevant and highly engaging, they contributed to my understanding of my subject, how it is taught and how it is learnt.  It definitely played a huge role in giving me the skills and knowledge that have enabled me to have a fantastic start to my career as a dance teacher.

How is our dance course constructed?

This course is built on an extensive research base in teaching dance and it is closely interwoven with our Central Curriculum Sessions as part of our overall Integrated Curriculum approach. Each year we review all aspects of our courses to ensure that they covers the most relevant components of the subject as well as introducing you to the most commonly taught ideas and concepts. Mentors and specialist teachers in our partnership schools also play a crucial role in reviewing the programme to ensure that it gives the very best preparation for becoming a great dance teacher.

Our carefully designed curriculum is structured so that you will have approximately one Subject Curriculum Session a week across the 2024-25 academic year. Alongside this, subject specificity is carefully woven throughout all aspects of the course, including the ongoing assessment process and the optional PGCE assignments, so that all content is relevant to you and your teaching. Subject Curriculum Sessions will develop on the ideas and theory raised in your general Central Curriculum Sessions so that you have expert guidance on how best to deliver strategies and techniques in your specific subject area. 

Our dance course prepares you to teach across the 11-16 age range, and you will be formally assessed in those key stages. In addition you will also have the opportunity to observe and teach KS5/ A level in at least one of your placements and your Subject Curriculum Sessions will include training that prepares you to teach KS5/ A level.

The links below will provide you with information about the curriculum and programmes of study for Key Stage 3 and 4 that schools are expected to deliver, these shape the content that your Subject Curriculum Sessions will cover, to ensure that you are able and confident to teach across the full range of topic areas included. 

Professional Subject Association

As well as introducing you to a wealth of relevant books, articles and research papers from our own resources and library, you will also have funded access to OneDance, the leading voice for dance education.

Membership will be set up and arranged for you at the start of the course and your Subject Specialist will guide you on how best to use the resources, professional learning community and events to support your subject development and the lessons that you will prepare and deliver.